Friday, January 21, 2011

GF Gravy Coming (Back?) to Boston Market

According to a press release (PDF) from Boston Market,

"For guests with gluten sensitivities, Boston Market will also bring back poultry gravy formulated without products containing gluten to its restaurants by end of February 2011." (h/t Emily K. at Triumph Dining)
Granny Ragland's Chocolate Gravyphoto © 2008 | more info (via: Wylio)

Well. That's interesting.

I wonder how/if they will make it known in the restaurants that the gravy has been switched over to the gluten-free recipe. I wonder if the general public will notice. Personally, I won't be comfortable until I have interrogated the manager. Even then, it requires a fair amount of trust to take the plunge into the gravy pool. Aw man, now I want a gravy pool, gluten free of course.

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